Friday, February 23, 2007
The Rich Jerk Is A Jerk!
This guy has a gimic that really works, along with money making information that is easy to understand and can be put to work right away! It doesn't matter if you are internet challenged or internet savy, The Rich Jerk can set you up to become a cash sucker giving you your first steps in making money online. Where else can you go online and start making money in 24 hours??
I have to admit that I actually like this jerk's website, his ebook & audio downloads and in a crazy way I like how he suckered me into buying all of this... best darn money money I've been talked out of in a long time... Check it out.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Updating Adsense & Affiliate Files
Last week a friend made mention of adsense and affiliates, knowing not much more than him, I told him he was wrong, after a friendly bet, I set out to prove him wrong by bring up one of my favorite ebooks: Google Adsense Secrets. Of course you know what happened... Yup, I started reading and next thing I know hours had past, I had taken a number of notes, and I wondered how I'd missed such fine details the first time through!!
I realized that maybe I was getting sloppy and not as attentive to details. So I'm taking the time update my websites, review the information that I have on file, update them at the sametime, and also purge the junk that has build up over the last 3 years.
As to the bet, well I lost... but I have organized files, and updated sites!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
Here are Rosalind Gardner's: Top 10 Reason to Become an Affiliate Marketer
Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliatesites, I had no need for a personal assistant.
The sites were all in place, and my affiliated merchants handled everything related to orders.
Last week, one of my clients mentioned that he was movingAWAY from selling his own products to promoting more affiliate programs just for the simplicity and freedom.
Yup, he definitely 'gets' it.
Although there are many, many benefits to promotingaffiliate programs with your own home-based Internetbusiness, here are my top 10 reasons to become an affiliatemarketer.
1. No Product Development Costs - The cost to develop andproduce a new product is expensive! But you needn't worryabout that as an affiliate.
2. Low Cost Set-up - Got a desk, Internet-connected computerand word-processing software? You're in business!
3. No Fees or Geographic Limits on Distribution - Affiliateprograms are usually free to join, and market reach islimited only by the affiliate's ability to promote his orher web site.
4. Choose From Thousands of Products and Services - Whatisn't sold online? With affiliate networks like CommissionJunction, Be Free and Linkshare, it's easy to find productsrelated to your current or planned web site.
5. No Merchant Account Required - Forget the problemsassociated with collecting and storing names, addresses,credit card numbers, etc. The merchant handles all paymentprocessing, so you never have to lose sleep overchargebacks, fraud or losing your merchant account.
6. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a smallone-bedroom apartment, you can sell large items withoutstorage concerns.
7. No Shipping Costs - Don't worry about buying packingsupplies or postal rates. The cost and hassle to prepare andship products to customers worldwide belongs to themerchant.
8. No Customer Concerns - Do you hate the prospect of dealingwith nasty people? Don't worry about it! The merchanthandles the snivelers.
9. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allowsyou as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keepmaking money even when you take breaks or after you go homefor the night?
10. High Income Potential - With your own affiliatebusiness your income potential is limited only by yourdesire, effort and imagination - not your boss.
Relatively low outlay of resources with huge potential returns truly makes affiliate marketing on the Internet an outstanding business opportunity.
Author's Resource: Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, please visit Net Profits Today.
© Copyright Rosalind Gardner, All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Adlink Units: Are They Worth It?
By Joel Comm
When Google first launched AdSense, there was some skepticism from publishers. As much as most people were blown away by the idea of ads that were targeted to the content of a Web page there was the question of whether users, used to banners and skyscrapers, would click on something that looked so different.
Boy, were those doubters wrong! AdSense has more than proved its worth to advertisers, users and publishers.
A similar sense of skepticism greeted Google's launch of AdLink units. With nothing more than a list of links (which then lead to the ads), these units contain even less information than a traditional AdSense unit. And the user has to click twice before the publisher gets paid. That makes them sound about as welcoming as a winter barbeque in Siberia.
It took a while for publishers to discover that actually AdLink units weren't as bad as they looked, and that with a smart bit of positioning they could actually take advantage of the way some pages are laid out. In fact, for some designs, they were able to reach parts that other AdSense units just couldn't reach! And best of all, publishers quickly discovered that once someone clicked on an AdLink unit, they would almost always click on the ad that followed. That did their revenues the world of good and removed the two-click doubt.
The old AdLink units then were effective, but fairly limited. They were great if you knew the one or two places on the page to use them but not so good if you didn't. Recently though, Google has launched horizontal AdLink units that have taken these ads into a whole new realm. Because they fit neatly across a page they're useful for a much broader range of page designs and are much more flexible. On the other hand though, they're now competing for space directly with the traditional ad units, making it even harder for publishers to figure out which ads to place where.
Is all this good news for publishers or bad news?
It's great news for savvy publishers who have more tools to maximize their AdSense revenues (and know what to do with those tools) but it's bad news for people who don't make the effort to learn how use AdSense - and now have more ways to miss out.
For more Google AdSense tips,.
Copyright © 2005 Joel Comm. All rights reserved
Joel Comm is Dr. AdSense, an Internet entrepreneur who has been online for more than 20 years. Joel is co-creator of, now known as Yahoo! Games and is the author of the web's best-selling AdSense ebook, "Google AdSense Secrets (Or What Google Never Told You About Making Money With Adsense)".
Monday, February 12, 2007
Joel Comm Makes Sense With Adsense!
After spending hundreds of dollars for books that all give the same cookie cutter plan for riches beyond our dreams, I find myself coming back to one book, Making Money With Adsense by Joel Comm , it not only works when followed, but is also one of the few books that actually makes sense.
I think you will find that his down to earth way of writing may help provide you with the potential to create a blog or website that can, make you money online...